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Special Topics Approvals by Semester

Special topic ENVS Approvals

*These are blanket approvals by the ENVS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and do not need to be petitioned for course substitutions.
Spring 2025
ENVS 285: Biocultural Environments

Approved upper level elective on the ECO track
Approved upper level elective on the EVH track
Approved upper level elective on the SSP track
Approved Nat'l Sci or Soc Sci SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 385: Climate Policy
Approved upper level elective on the EAS track
Approved upper level elective on the SSP track
Approved Soc Sci SUSTSCIMIN
Approved Soc Sci Breadth ENVSMIN

ENVS 385: Intro to Atmospheric Physics
Approved upper level elective on the EAS track
Approved Earth/Atmos Sci Breadth ENVSMIN

ENVS 385: Geography of Disease
Approved upper level elective on the ECO track
Approved upper level elective on the EVH track

Additional notes for spring 2025 on new courses:
ENVS 219: Natural Disasters
Approved as an EAS Intermediate Breadth
Approved as an upper level elective on the EAS track
Approved as an EAS breadth area ENVSMIN

ENVS 310: Environmental Justice
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO, EVH, EAS and SSP tracks
Approved as an SSP Breadth ENVSMIN
Approved as Social Science for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 320: Environmental Assessment/Mngmt
For spring 2025, approved as an SSP Intermediate Breadth
Approved upper level elective on the ECO track
Approved upper level elective on the SSP track
Approved Soc Sci for SUSTSCIMIN
Approved Soc Sci Breadth ENVSMIN

FALL 2024
ENVS 285: Air Quality
Approved as in Intermediate Breadth EAS
Approved as an upper level elective on the EAS track
Approved as an EAS for ENVSMIN
Approved Nat'l Sci SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 236: Ecology and its Applications
Approved as in Intermediate Breadth Ecol/Env Health
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO track
Approved as an Ecol & Conservation for ENVSMIN
Approved Nat'l Sci for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 285: Climate Solutions Soc.Justice
Approved as in Intermediate Breadth SSP
Approved as an upper level elective on the SSP track
Approved as an Social Science for ENVSMIN
Approved Social Sci for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 285: Int'l Environmental Agreements
Approved as in Intermediate Breadth SSP
Approved as an upper level elective on the SSP track
Approved as an Social Science for ENVSMIN
Approved Social Sci for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 285W: Restoration Georgia Ecosystems
Approved as in Intermediate Breadth Ecol/Env Health
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO track
Approved as an upper level elective on the EVH track
Approved as an Ecol & Conservation for ENVSMIN
Approved Nat'l Sci for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 385: Spatial Data & Society
Approved as an upper level elective on all tracks (ECO, SSP, EAS, EVH)

ENVS 485: Community Resilience-Disasters
Approved as an upper level elective on the SSP track
Approved as an Social Science for ENVSMIN
Approved Social Sci for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 285: Climate Policy
Approved Intermediate Breadth Social Science & Policy
Approved upper level elective on the SSP BS track
Approved SSP Breadth ENVSMIN
Approved Social Science SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 285: Plant Ecology
Approved Intermediate Breadth Ecology/Environmental Health
Approved upper level elective on the ECO BS track
Approved Ecol/Conservation Breadth ENVSMIN
Approved Natural Science SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 385: Nature's Benefits to People
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO and SSP tracks
Approved as an SSP Breadth ENVSMIN
Approved as Social Science for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 385: Environmental Justice
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO, EVH, EAS and SSP tracks
Approved as an SSP Breadth ENVSMIN
Approved as Social Science for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 385: Vector Ecology & Control
Approved as an upper level elective ECO and EVH tracks
Approved ECO Breadth - ENVSMIN
Approved Nat'l Sci - SUSTSCIMIN

FALL 2023
ENVS 285: Ecology and Its Applications
Approved as Intermediate Breadth Ecology, Conservation, and Health
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO BS track
Approved as an Ecol & Conservation for ENVSMIN
Approved as Nat'l Sci for SUSTSCIMIN

ENVS 285: Natural Disasters
Approved as Intermediate Breadth Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Approved as an upper level elective on the EAS BS track
Approved as an Earth & Atmospheric Sciences for ENVSMIN

ENVS 385/BIOL 385: Foundations of Ecological Forecasting
Approved as an upper level elective ECO BS track
Approved as an Ecol & Conservation ENVSMIN


ENVS 225: Institutions and the Environment
Approved as an Intermediate Breadth in Social Science & Policy
Approved as an upper level elective on the SSP BS track

ENVS 245 : Fundamental Concepts in Soil Science
Approved as an Intermediate Breadth in Earth & Atmospheric Science
Approved as an elective for the EAS BS Track
Approved as a Natural Science elective for the SUSTCIMIN

ENVS 285: Wildlife Diseases
Approved as an Intermediate Breadth in Ecology, Conservation and Health
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO and EVH tracks
Approved as an Ecol & Conservation option for ENVSMIN

ENVS 385: Nature's Benefits to People
Approved as an upper level elective on the ECO and SSP tracks
Approved as a Social Science & Policy elective for both the ENVSMIN and SUSTSCI minors

ENVS 385: Water Resources
Approved as an upper level elective on the EAS track
Approved as an Earth & Atmospheric Science for the ENVSMIN and Natural Science for the SUSTSCI minor

FALL 2022
ENVS 285 Environmental Epidemiology  – EVH + SSP BS Tracks (upper level elective)
ENVS 385: Biogeochemistry and Env Health  - EAS+ EVH BS Tracks (upper level elective); AES minor elective
ENVS 385: Remote Sensing Environment - EAS, ECO, EVH, & SSP  Tracks (upper level elective)
ENVS 385: Energy, Culture, and Society - EAS & SSP Tracks (upper level elective)



ENVS 344: American Environmental History
Approved for the Social Science and Policy Intermediate Breadth Requirement

ENVS 285 Fundamentals in Soil Science
Approved as an elective for the EAS BS Track
Approved as a Natural Science elective for the SUSTCIMIN
Approved as an elective for the AESMIN
For Spring 2022, also approved for the Earth and Atmospheric Science Intermediate Breadth Requirement

ENVS 385 Perspectives on the Anthropocene
Approved as an elective for the SSP BS Track
Approved as an elective for the EVH BS Track
Approved as a Social Science elective for the SUSTCIMIN

FALL 2021
ENVS 285 Environmental Epidemiology - EVH & SSP BS track
ENVS 385 Biogeochemistry and Env Health - EAS+ EVH BS Tracks; AES minor elective
ENVS 385 Population Ecology - ECO + EVH BS tracks
ENVS 385 Vector Ecology & Control - ECO+ EVH BS Tracks
ENVS 380 Herpetology- ECO BS Track (cannot also count for external BS requirement if used for elective)


ENVS 285 Fundamentals in Soil Science
Approved as an elective for the EAS BS Track
Approved as a Natural Science elective for the SUSTCIMIN
Approved as an elective for the AESMIN
*for Spring 2021 also approved for the Earth and Atmospheric Science Intermediate Breadth Requirement
ENVS 385/585 Resilience and Policy
Approved for the SSP BS Track
*for Spring 2021 also approved for the Social Science and Policy Intermediate Breadth Requirement
ENVS 485/585 Vector Ecology and Control
Approved as an elective for the ECO BS Track
Approved as an elective for the EVH BS Track

FALL 2020
ENVS 385 Extinctions
Approved as an elective for the EAS BS TrackSpring 2021