Study Abroad
If an academic semester abroad is part of your plan, begin to explore early! Talk to your ENVS advisor about your interests.
Emory College Study Abroad - your central contact for study abroad details and information.
It is important to talk to Emory College Study Abroad staff about the Emory and non-Emory programs. The study abroad office can provide assistance for:
- Application deadlines
- Research
- Internship
- Grant and scholarship opportunities
Study Abroad Instructions
Meet with the ENVS Study Abroad Coordinator
Have your courses pre-approved
>> To ensure ENVS credit for your study abroad courses.
Please note which ENVS course you believe it to be equivalent to and submit a detailed course description or syllabus.
Make sure your ENVS major or minor is declared in OPUS
prior to earning major/minor credit for advanced courses, you must be a declared ENVS student
Up to three courses taken abroad may be used to fulfill ENVS major requirements
ENVS course-equivalence requests must be pre-approved. Courses may be pre-approved to fulfill an Elective, Field Course, or Independent Study requirement for ENVS majors.
In addition, a few ENVS classes include a study abroad component. Some of these classes fulfill the ENVS major Field Course requirement:
- ENVS 371/372, Ecology of the Tropics - (offered every spring, with field component taken during Spring Break)
- ENVS 241/242, Modern and Ancient Tropical Environments - (offered every other spring, with field component taken during Spring Break)