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Environmental Management Concentration

The Concentration in Environmental Management is a collaboration between the department of Environmental Sciences in Emory College and the Goizueta Business School BBA Program. Participation is limited to BBA students and students who are Environmental Sciences majors.

This concentration provides knowledge, competencies and experiences for ENVS BA or BS and BBA students interested in pursuing careers in environmental management.

BBA students will build a foundation in the fundamentals of environmental science and environmental policy. BBA students will develop a framework for understanding environmental systems and a foundation in understanding the impacts and intersections of business decisions and environmental systems.

Environmental Sciences (ENVS) students who complete the concentration will acquire grounding in business principles and practices in the fields of management, marketing, finance and strategy. ENVS students will acquire methodologies and approaches that are transferrable to business, non-profit and government work environments.

Participation is strictly limited to BBA students or Emory College students who are Environmental Sciences majors.  The Environment and Sustainability Management Concentration will be awarded only to those participants who successfully complete a major in Environmental Sciences or the requirements for BBA degree. 

Important notes:

1. Students who are matriculated in the Goizueta Business minor are NOT eligible to participate in the Environmental Management Concentration. Students may pursue either a concentration OR a business minor, but not both.

2. Students pursuing the ENVS Sustainability Sciences Minor (SUSTSCIMIN) would NOT be eligible to participate in the Environmental Management Concentration.

3. Students pursuing the ENVS general minor (ENVSMIN) may participate in the minor and the Environmental Management Concentration with the following requirements: Students may only double count their core Concentration coursework (ENVS 120,130 or 140 & ENVS 250, 260 or 270) towards their minor, but none of their other ENVS coursework will be double counted. Concentration students will need to complete two electives, ENVS 491 and the Environmental Management Capstone.


  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis but in all cases, must be submitted no later than August 15th for rising seniors. 
  • It is to your advantage to apply prior to entering your junior year
  • The cohort is limited by course capacity. 
  • Selection is based on information provided through the application but applications for each cohort can only be considered on a space-available basis
Leah Thomas
Sr. Program Coordinator, Undergraduate
E525, MSC 5th Floor

Environmental Core
for BBA students

ENVS 130: Environmental Sciences
ENVS 120: Living in the Anthropocene
ENVS 140: Enviornmental Change & Health


ENVS 250: Cartography & GIS
ENVS 260: Quanitative Techniques in Environmental Sciences
ENVS 270: Environmental Data Science

Business Core for
Environmental Sciences students

Two of the following BBA Core Classes:

FIN 220 Finance for Non-Business Students
ISOM 351 Process and Systems Management (must have completed a statistics class)

MKT 340 Marketing Management
OAM 330 Principles of Organization and Management

Two electives must be completed from the following list.

For ENVS majors, BOTH electives must be taken from the BBA course offerings. For BBA students, we highly recommend that BOTH electives be taken from the ENVS electives in consultation with the ENVS advisor to the program. Students may not count core classes in their own program as electives towards the concentration. Note that many courses require core classes as prerequisites. Consult advisors or the course catalog for complete information.
Concentration Electives offered
through BBA Program

  • ISOM 352 Project Management and Collaboration 
  • ISOM 354 Strategic Modeling and Social Dynamics 
  • ISOM 450 Foundations of Digital Enterprises and Markets
  • ISOM 451 Making Effective Decisions
  • ISOM 455 Forecasting & Predictive Analytics
  • MKT 342 Market Intelligence and Customer Insights (must have completed a statistics class)
  • MKT 343 Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy 
  • MKT 441 Ideation 
  • MKT 446 Advertising and Marketing Communications
  • MKT 499R Content Marketing in the Digital Age
  • OAM 332 Business & Society
  • OAM 336 Catalyzing Social Impact
  • OAM 431 Social Enterprise
  • OAM 432 Negotiations
  • OAM 433 Leading & Managing Change
  • OAM 439 Ethics for Leaders
  • OAM 464 The Past, Present and Future of Specialty Coffee
Concentration Electives offered through Environmental Sciences

  • ENVS 222 Evolution of the Earth with Lab
  • ENVS 224 Economy and the Environment
  • ENVS 225 Institutions and the Environment
  • ENVS 227 Environmental Policy
  • ENVS 229 Atmospheric Science w/Lab
  • ENVS 240 Ecosystem Ecology
  • ENVS 285/385/485 Special Topics in ENVS (with pre-approval from ENVS coordinator)
  • ENVS 320 Environmental Assessment and Management
  • ENVS 326 Climate Change & Society
  • ENVS 331 Earth Systems Science
  • ENVS 345 Conservation Biology & Biodiversity
  • ENVS 352W Green Business
  • ENVS 585 Law and Biodiversity (requires permission of instructor)

Capstone Core & Co-Curricular Activity

  • ENVS 491: Environmental Sciences Practicum (4 credits)
  • ENVS 480: Environmental Management Capstone Portfolio (1 credit)
  • Speakers and seminars
  • Internships
  • Field projects