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John WegnerAssociate Teaching Professor


John joined the faculty of Environmental Sciences at Emory University in 1998 after teaching for 23 years at Carleton University (Canada). He is active in the University Senate Committee on the Environment and is faculty advisor to the undergraduate environmental group Emory Environmental Alliance (EEA). In Fall 2001 he became the university's environmental consultant. In 2003, he became the Chief Environmental Officer for Emory University.

  • Green building design--especially using the US Green Building Council's LEED(TM) rating system
  • Urban forest ecology
  • Aquatic ecology
  • Effects of habitat fragmentation on the abundance and distribution of animals



Goodwin, B.J, D.J. Bender, T.A. Contreras, L. Fahrig and J.F. Wegner, 1999. Testing for habitat detection distances using orientation data. Oikos 84:160-163.

Henein, K, J. Wegner, and G. Merriam, 1998. Population effects of landscape model manipulation on two behaviorally different woodland small mammals. Oikos 81:168-186.

Fahrig, L., J. H. Pedlar, S. E. Pope, P. D. Taylor, and J. F. Wegner. 1995. Effect of road traffic on amphibian density. Biol. Conserv. 73:177-182.